In collaboration with the Dutch Canadian Association (DCA) Toronto Chapter, and sponsored by DUCA, we are pleased to announce an event specifically organized for the Children and Families of our members to celebrate the holidays.
Please join us with your families on:
Date: Saturday November 18, 2017Time: 12 noon to 2 pm Place: Thornhill Community Centre, 7755 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON Cost: $4 per person at the door. Babies in arms are always free.
There will be a live Magic show by WonderPhil, Treat bags for the kids, Refreshments, and a special visit by St. Nicholas himself!
Registration is encouraged to help us plan for numbers.
For more information or question's please contact us at
CNBPA Holiday Party - 2017.pdf
Holland House Canada
Working together to advance the prosperity for businesses and professionals with Dutch interests