Holland House Canada

Holland House Canada was founded in 1979 as the Canadian Netherlands Business and Professional Association (CNBPA) and in 2023 rebranded to Holland House. It is the largest Dutch professional and business association in Canada, connecting more than 200 members and 100 business professionals and influencers throughout Canada. 

Holland House Canada fuels the economic, social and cultural vitality of the entire Dutch/Canadian business community by fostering collaborations among business, government, thought leaders, and community builders.

A Holland House Canada membership offers the opportunity to be part of a network of our Canada’s most influential business leaders, who are working together to help shape the future of the Dutch-Canadian Business Community. Join us to make a real difference for you, and your business.

The Association is funded by its members’ subscription fees and through income generated from a number of services and events it provides. It is run by volunteers and with enthusiasm for Dutch culture.

Our Vision

Holland House Canada strives to be the most influential business network, resource for our Members, working with our partners in the business, government, labor, education and non-profit sectors.

Our Mission

  • To advance the business success of our Members by connecting our Members and the wider Canadian business community through opportunities for knowledge sharing, networking, and business development.
  • To provide measurable returns - through valuable business resources, cost savings, brand building and networking opportunities - for all our Members, whether they be start-ups, growing medium sized businesses or large enterprises.


Holland House Canada is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of business leaders and professionals.  Our Directors are responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and governance of the organization.

Board of directors

Dennis Pietersma - President

Jan Willem Gille - Vice-President

Sandra Vernooij - Treasurer

Caspar van Keulen - Secretary

Jasper van den Brink - Director

Matthijs Kooijman - Director

Karin Jansen - Director

Raymond Habets - Director



Nelleke Oomen - operational director

Holland House Canada

Working together to advance the prosperity for businesses and professionals with Dutch interests

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