Pictures of past events

  • Tour The Well, Toronto, in collaboration with BDP Quadrangle and Urban Strategies on 5 June, 2024

  • Tour Air Canada Systems Operations Centre on 25 April, 2024

  • King's Day celebration on 25 April, 2024

  • European Chambers Networking Night - Swiss Edition on 25 January, 2024

  • Annual General Meeting 2023 on 13 December, 2023

  • European Chambers Networking Night - HHC Edition on 16 November, 2023
  • BMO CEO Event at George Brown College on 8 June, 2023
  • Slokker - Canadian Real Estate on June 27, 2019
  • Frites Night with the Belgian Chamber on May 28, 2019

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5 June 2024: Touring the Well - Toronto

Holland House Canada

Working together to advance the prosperity for businesses and professionals with Dutch interests

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